Family loading up their electric car for a trip

Sales Support

Access helpful guides and find out how to contact our support team 

Welcome to Sales Support

We're your main point of contact for queries relating to new quotations and proposals up until the point of payout. Please see below relevant information, useful documents and training tools to enable you to experience a more efficient customer journey with us. Please feel free to contact us if you have any of the following queries:

  • Expired Quotations
  • Manual Residual Values
  • Amendment to Expired Figures
  • Help with Vehicle Selection

An easy way of contacting us is via the Webchat facility which you can access from this page. Please click on the webchat button which can be found in the top right hand corner of this page.

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:15

Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00

**Please note we aim to respond to any emails within 5-6 hours of receipt, subject to availability**


Contact us via online form

Manual residual value request

There are certain circumstances where a vehicle's residual value is not available in FAMOS. In the majority of these cases we can provide one manually for you from submission of this form.

Before filling out this form, please ensure that the correct vehicle is selected and the registration date matches the vehicle description. 

Balance to finance settlement request

There are a number of reasons why we would accept a balance to finance request. Please note these can only be requested a minimum of 7 days prior to the first monthly rental being taken.

If this is for an agreement where the first payment has been taken or is due, please contact Customer Escalations by emailing

If more than one monthly rental has been taken, please contact the Settlements department on 0370 5050 115 Option 1 then option 4.

Hybrid right to cancel - agreements over £60,260

Hybrid Agreement applies where:

1. The customer is entering into a regulated Hire Purchase or Personal Contract Purchase agreement; and

2. The amount financed exceeds £60,260; and

3. The Agreement is being signed off Partner premises; and

4. Not distance sold i.e. there has been some face-to face- contact with the customer prior to the signing of the finance agreement.

If the customer wants to exercise their right to cancel, they MUST confirm this in writing to us within FIVE DAYS starting from the day after they have received the Cancellation Notice.

Useful guidance

FAMOS disbursements

Distance selling

Agreements over £60,260

DVLA check guide

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