Family playing in the sun on the beach

Partner Interface

Transfer vehicle, customer and financial product information from your system to FAMOS (customer quoting system)

What is the Partner Interface?

The ALPHERA Partner Interface enables ALPHERA Partners to use their own system to enter vehicle, customer and financial product information to transfer this information directly into FAMOS

The Partner Interface supports six Web Services that will provide the following functionality to the Partner

These consist of:

Residual Value Information plus GVMS (Group Vehicle Management System) option
Proposal Status
Proposal Information

See below for Context Diagramme


Please contact your Business Development Manager for further information on how to access.


Raising a support ticket

Always send to 

If you have not had a response within 24 hours SLA, particularly if the issue is urgent, then chase original email copying in the Sales System Specialists below:

Ben Rusted (

Maya Mamba (


Please use template below on all queries and provide all information in first instance:

Issue description:i.e. ‘User Locked’ or ‘Commission error’
Time and date:Time of first occurrence
Account(s) affected:i.e. inter10150034
Site name and ID:i.e. Car Store Chesterfield / 10150034
Additional information:Any further description required in more detail and evidence to support


Attach both REQUEST and RESPONSE XMLs to ALL tickets relating to errors

Additional info can be found on automated response from the email

Partner Interface guides

Specification document

The Partner Interface Specification Document will provide all the information you will need to onboard, utilise and work with the Partner Interface


This is a live document that is updated when applicable, particularly after and development releases or system updates


To request the latest version of the Partner Interface Spec Doc please contact support on:


Error glossary and support

Further information

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